We are especially conscious of the need to reduce consumption without compromising color temperature, lumen levels or product life

Quality and sustainability are at the heart of all that we do. Our unwavering approach to quality improvement and to reduced power consumption, longer product life and the use of environmentally sound materials help us to stand out from other companies in this industry.

As an industry that consumes power to generate light, we are especially conscious of the need to reduce consumption without compromising color temperature, lumen levels or product life. To do this we scrutinize all available products on the market, assess their environmental credentials and carefully select only those that offer a truly sustainable footprint.

It is this attention to detail and uncompromising stance that assures our clients that we take these issues seriously.

Our focus on quality and sustainability is also evident in our approach to supply chain management. We strive to minimize shipments, dispatching products only as needed by our clients, wherever possible in a single, aggregated batch, thereby avoiding multiple shipments and demonstrating our commitment to both minimizing client costs and also to reducing the impact of our work on the environment.

With all that we do in these fields, we are confident that we are leaders in quality and sustainability within the lighting industry in this region.

Let's talk about your lighting needs

Need more information or want to get in touch?

UAE Office

Apex Atrium,
Office 313,
Al Hebiah First,
Motor City

P.O. Box 452803

KSA office


Salahuddin Al Ayyubi St.
Akaria Tower 2,
Office 5203B,

P.O.Box: Riyadh 12812

egypt office


4 Samaa Markets,
Al-Urdonia District

P.O. Box 44634 10th of Ramadan City

UK office

Warwick, England

Innovation Centre,
Gallows Hill
United Kingdom

CV34 6UW